Asia-Pacific Top Charity Givers of 2021

2021 is no doubt a year of pandemic in which many people were left jobless. Businesses also came to a point of shutting down. However, despite of that fact, still there are numbers of charity givers who made their way out for helping others.

Name of Top Charity Givers in 2021

Below are the names of popular individual givers within Asia-Pacific.


The Indian business tycoon Azim Premji has proven his primacy in the world of charity. The 76-year-old has reportedly donated almost $21 billion in his life and has smashed some records as the philanthropist. He has donated almost $7.5 billion dollars to India’s education sector and a little over $7.5 billion to other sectors of his choice, so he has retained top spot on India’s EdelGive Hurun India Philanthropy List 2021 and is still in the top 10 list for this said year.


She is the daughter of Oscar Lopez who runs the video channel Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc. (KCFI), which was established in 1999. KCFI’s content is designed to comply on the educational standards set by the Philippines’ Department of Education (DepEd). This concentrates primarily on teaching K-12 students and even teachers in the country. In September 2021, KCFI partnered with The Asian Parent, reaching a total of five million users.
